By GhettoBeast - 08/09/2009 04:42 - New Zealand
Same thing different taste
By mew - 25/10/2011 18:04 - Canada
By MJjunior - 31/08/2011 16:04 - Australia
By Anonymous - 24/12/2010 05:02 - Australia
By mandy - 10/04/2009 15:35 - United States
ARE YOU ******* SORRY?
By Evelyn - 19/03/2012 20:18 - United States
Hello there
By My eyes were on the prize - 12/03/2017 00:00
By Anonymous - 15/11/2010 07:26
By Anonymous - 18/09/2015 21:14 - United States - Jonesboro
Fainting time
By kindergarten teacher - 23/03/2013 13:25 - United States - Hanford
By Fingkids - 25/09/2012 01:51 - United States
Top comments
It's already been said countless times, but keep calm around the kids. If they already hurt, scaring them wont help at all. An injured, panicky child is NOT what you want to have to deal with. It can get messy, to say the least. On the other hand, it was your first day, so I understand a bit of the jitters causing you to react in ways you otherwise wouldn't have. As for the kid, he'll be fine. Apologize, explain your mistake. I did the same thing once, with my little sisters friend. I fell down the stairs, knocking her with me. I hadn't really looked at her face up until the point where I was helping her up, and I asked her "Is your face okay?" She was all embarrassed telling me that it was a birthmark, but she forgave me, both for knocking her down the stairs, and for making a comment about her face. She now is getting some skin grafting procedures done to eliminate it. She's nine now, and by the time she's 10 her face should be totally normal.
Nice nick OP. GhettoBeast?? Hahaha! I won't let my kids go to your kindergarten.
maybe you should learn to spell kindergarden if you plan on continuing in this clearly mis-matched career choice.
retard, it IS kindergarten, learn that it comes from the german word meaning childgarden.
It's spelled kindergarten idiot. Look it up.
LOL FAIL thats ****** hilarious
OMG!!! #30 I literally ROFLD at your post!!! she spelled "kindergarten" correctly!!! brw- didn't they teach you if an accident happens to NOT freak out??? You're supposed to stay calm or else all the other kids will freak out
Am I the only one noticed that the op's name is ghettobeast and they work at a kindergarden? Haha first off if your that "ghetto" you should be black and sell drugs not work at a kindergarden Second you must not be a "beast" b/c you would scare the children
Dude, it's just a mistake. No need for everyone to get up in arms about it. And it's not that common in New Zealand for new teachers to get to know the kids before they start. Also, who cares about their username? Do you guys have nothing better to complain about?
i don't know if you realize this, but pretty much everyone on FML is extremely negative. Don't you have anything positive to say? you always find something to criticize. Try MLIA.
no kidding. people need to lighten up and realize you would probably freak out in the same situation. so much criticism-- isn't this supposed to be a site dedicated to banding together with other people who have shitty days... just like us?

YDI because you dont react like that to a child, it will freak them the **** out. but also FYL because how would you know?
Try to explain it to him. Be nice. Kids are forgiving when you can own up to your mistakes. And for future reference, a better response would be: "That was quite a fall. Are you okay?" in a calm, caring voice.You being scared makes them scared.