By medstudent - 04/02/2009 21:24 - United States

Today, it was the first time I ever saw a vagina in person. It was during medical school training on how to do a pelvic exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 438
You deserved it 9 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lalapooh_fml 0

its ok dude just because all these ppl have WAY too muchh experience doesnt mean something is wrong with you ur cool :D

Dr_Phil 0


phreshboi 1
Muffinzz11 7

in person??!! when dis you see one before ?

chris80cent 0

To people who say this is sad, realize this. This dudes gonna be a doc an make 300k a year n. Could prob get any chick he wants. You'll be working at McDonalds for 12k a year n **** gross fat chicks. Just saying. ;-)

It couldn't of been a live penis now could it?

Ah you'll be fine. The people who end up in medical school usually were too busy reading and studying in school to date (definitely not a bad thing) I'm sure most of your colleagues are in the same boat. Maybe you'll meet a cute dermatologist ;-)