By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 16:18 - United States - Surprise

Today, less than a week after ranting to my husband about how sick some people are to sexualize characters from kids' TV shows, I looked through his browser history and found out he's very much into Powerpuff Girls porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 009
You deserved it 9 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Rule 34 of the internet: "If it exists, there is **** of it. No exceptions."

It's normal to look out of curiosity at things of that sort unless he's legitimately watching the pornography for pleasure


Well in all fairness I'm into mlp **** so how bad can it really be?

I didn't even know they made stuff like that. I thought it only extended to clopers.

AliGInTheHouse 24

Cloppers* and yeah, rule 34. If it exists, there is **** of it. No exceptions.

Yea, makes me sick also, but hey - whatever floats your (his) boat. You shouldnt judge! Better surprise him by dressing as Bubbles!

Why the ****, were you looking at your husbands history?!

He was deflecting and you were looking through his history. You're still the bigger **** though.

AliGInTheHouse 24

Nothing wrong with that. There isn't a problem with mlp **** either. People just like different things.

A lot of people try to sexualize the littlest things.

This is why you don't look through people's browser history. You might find something you didn't want to.