By bambam - 12/05/2014 16:01 - United States - League City

Today, me and the guy I was dating ran into my sister at the mall. He took one look at her and mumbled, "Great, I chose the ugly one" under his breath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 345
You deserved it 6 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like that boyfriend isn't a very good one...


WOW what a jerk! You should've retorted, "Great! I chose the stupid one!" & dumped him on the spot.

And you should have replied, "well I chose a dumb ass moron as a boyfriend". Dump him and find a new guy. Good luck.

good on you for dumping him op :) there's no point in staying with someone who only cares about looks.

I hope you mean the guy you were formerly dating. He doesn't deserve anyone with that attitude.

Does he have a brother? The brother might be the nice one.

ztress 10

So this sister of yours...

Emphasis on the "was" before dating.... What an idiot he must be.

My ex boyfriend told me that when he saw a picture of my cousin... I feel your pain op, better off without them!!

CrimsonWo1f 1

notice how she says "the guy I WAS dating"