By OytoBeAfather - 16/05/2012 03:05 - United States - Nesconset

Today, my 20-year-old son's external hard-drive stopped working. He's crying on my shoulder now, not because of the movies, porn, work, or music he probably lost, but because of the now irretrievable complete series of Digimon that he'd collected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 983
You deserved it 4 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well who wouldn't cry digimon is awesome.

yoursucklives 36

i understand him. it's like he lost his childhood.


I like that everyone assumed the OP was his mom.

I now feel comforted because I thought I was the only person in the world who still remembers Digimon.

thetrooper666 2

Kids today need to grow some balls. Crying over a cartoon or video game or whatever this is? What the hell happened to the male gender? Teddy Roosevelt would be rolling over in his grave and Clint Eastwood should be ashamed of us. Man up, people!

That's society EVOLVING into not trying to fit into stereotypes established by the previous generations. I hate people like you, trying to push that god awful syeteotype that men show no feelings and are apathetic asses. Please, fall of the face of the earth.

thetrooper666 2

The difference between the previous generations and your generations is that you guys pretend to be tough guys when you're hiding behind a computer screen but if you met me in person, you'd cry like a little girl before you had the balls to throw a punch. I never said men shouldn't show emotion but crying because you lost your cartoons? The kid is 20 years old. How is he ever going to deal with real life problems? The answer, he's going to cut his wrists like all you little emo d-bags. As soon as your generation takes the reigns, Canada will be able to march in here and take it all from you and you pansies won't even put up a fight.

jaredofmo 22

I love how cool you are with him probably watching ****.

Lost anime is definitely something to cry over

perdix 29

There are services that can retrieve data from any "broken" hard drive. It gets more expensive dependng on how seriously ******-up the drive is. Still, it may be cheaper than the therapy your infantile man-boy will require to cope with the loss.

joncole 6

Yo the exact thing happened to me I lost all my Charlie brown episodes and music

I'm crying for him too! Digimon is awesome!

Aw shit man, I feel for the poor guy. F HIS life, that's rough. Although I doubt it's actually irretrievable. There must be a torrent or something SOMEWHERE. Hope he finds one. Digimon's awesome.