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By ThisGirl - 21/08/2012 02:30 - United States - Kennesaw

Today, I lost two terabytes' worth of photos to a friend's incompetence. He said he could save me some money and fix my slow computer for free. He ended up wiping the hard drive, and along with it, my photography portfolio from the last five years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 304
You deserved it 16 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you have an external hard drive to save these important things onto when you are letting someone unqualified (I'm guessing) mess with your stuff.

theslimshadylp 6

Holy shit five years? I would give your friend the wrath of God if I were you.


I think I lost brain cells trying to understand how the hell your comment makes any sense.

jillybee101 7

What the ****? I'm wondering what language that was in, because it certainly wasn't anything I've ever heard...

YakuzaxGeneralz 9

I'm wondering what 34s comment is referring to.

*GAY SENTENCE TRANSLATOR*-Sucked in. It was your fault for trusting him.

IsisChaos 1

You know your comment was stupid when you got a FML team member asking if you are drunk.

YDI. Learn to back up you shit, next time you won't make such a pathatic mistake.

littlesister67 0

My thoughts exactly. 5 years of work for a portfolio and no back up. No sympathy here.

i wish i was drunk, maybe then i could understand all the -1's

Your comment is an FML of it's own. =D

You know what they say, "Theres always a catch to free stuff" Just think it out next time

snakeassault 0

191 - because backing up 2TBs worth of data is easy.

274 - All those pictures weren't taken at the same time. It's super easy to back is all up if you do it on a regular basis/as the pictures are added to the collection.

I don't see how that applies. The total elapsed time transferring wouldn't decrease by being spread out over a longer period. Proportionally it would take less time than doing it all at once, but 2TB is still 2TB regardless of whether gained over time or all at once. Cloud space is expensive. So were external hard drives 5 years ago, and a terabyte was only even known to hardcore computer nerds.

Baconman345 9

Should have called the Geek Squad...

Laurenlou 24

Honestly, they are so over priced. My boyfriend owns a business (Vega Produktions, yes with a "k") and he has been fixing computers for at least 4 years now. He really gives fair prices and knows what he's doing. :) Why go to someone as over priced as Geek Squad?

Yea and I believe it's better to deal with small business most of the time since I think it helps the economy a bit more

theten_fml 9

18 has been posting that same exact comment on all FLM advertising the business. JK lol

Definitely a YDI. Back that shit up stupid

2- It only helps to go to Geek Squad once you've bought their protection. Quite honestly, other than that- it's better to find a small business like mentioned before. Because then its going to get super expensive. (I work at BestBuy and this is what I tell my customers when they have a damaged product that's out/doesn't have policy)

Octain 13

It cost about a $100, but they were able to retrieve everything off my wiped hard rive (due to a friend). Take it to Geek Squad. Though they are overpriced, they can get your photos back.

coolbrony12 3

Yeah they helped our slower than a snail computer.

Does anyone realize how many photos on a terabyte, let alone two? If they were all high quality photos, it would be more than two million ...and unless you took a couple hundred photos a day I'm calling bs haha

-2 She doesn't need the Geek Squad, its extremely simple process to recover files from a "wiped" computer, if you act quickly and have at least a 3rd grade education.

Does anyone realize how many photos 2tb is?

I agree that geeksquad is so freaken pricey. Best Buy in general is not worth it. Try going to Microcenter or if you are online then...newegg or tigerdirect. Also, try using google. Many people have solved this problem already.

tjv3 10

Geek squad are full of morons. Op you need to take the hdd to someone good . There are ways to recover your data . Hell I can do it with the tools I have at work. We specialize in failed drive recovery. Let me know . I could more than likely do it for free I can just bill it as training time. As long as your friend didn't do a DOD level erase it's not that big of a deal

Laurenlou 24

33- Haha No, I do not get paid to promote him. I would have never mentioned it if it weren't for the situation of the FML and this specific comment. I do help my boyfriend and sometimes get paid for big events like filming weddings. I'd rather not get paid though.

Roughly 500,000 photos given the fact 4 gb is about 1000 photos. Why do you have that many photos?!

Not true. Tech support is amazing if all the damage is internal. Only $100 with a new pc/tablet. Covers 3 computing devices, you get 1 yr/3 user AV, virus removal, diagnostics, 24/7 support, password reset, unlimited software/hardware install, etc. for one year. GSP doesn't cover any of that.

Not true. Tech support is amazing if all the damage is internal. Only $100 with a new pc/tablet. Covers 3 computing devices, you get 1 yr/3 user AV, virus removal, diagnostics, 24/7 support, password reset, unlimited software/hardware install, etc. for one year. GSP doesn't cover any of that.

Not true. Tech support is amazing if all the damage is internal. Only $100 with a new pc/tablet. Covers 3 computing devices, you get 1 yr/3 user AV, virus removal, diagnostics, 24/7 support, password reset, unlimited software/hardware install, etc. for one year. GSP doesn't cover any of that.

geek squad doesn't know what they're doing. buy the program called GetDataBack for NTSF. it can recover data even from a formatted hard drive. worth the 80 bucks

Depends on how bad his friend messed up. There are different types of wipes. When you move something to a recycle bin and delete it "permanently" you're telling the computer the space that thing took up can be used for something else. That thing is still there until the space actually gets used. Same goes for a "soft" wipe. If he reset the drive's bit values to 0 (a "hard" wipe) the data is gone. Nothing will recover it.

sunnyt 5

You should've gone to a technician with experience. Just because it's free doesn't mean it was going to be done professionally. YDI.

astralvagan 20

Who's to say her friend isn't a professional and a moron? They do happen to exist, although usually are politicians.

Or, you probably should buy a new computer

Computers are not like batteries where you use them until they degrade to the point where they are useless. The only time you should buy a new computer is if it is not powerful enough to run the software you need or something happens such as theft or severe physical damage.

It could be that she's known her friend long enough that she trust him. Then again, the FML doesn't say.

Well it's ok for op to get help from a friend, but perhaps she should learn too. Then she would know that 5 years is not enough for 2 terabytes of photos. Video maybe, but not photo.

theslimshadylp 6

Holy shit five years? I would give your friend the wrath of God if I were you.

Your friend sounds like an idiot. Did he reformat the hard drive? If not, you still might be able to get the photos back.

I mean, When you say wipe, do you mean he reformatted the hard drive?

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Do you guys know what 1 terabyte is? It's 1000 gigabytes. So this person had 2000 gigabytes worth of pictures. That's ******* crazy. I couldn't fill a terabyte if I tried to.

photographers take pics of everything....often keeping them all. been there, done that. sorry for your loss but surely you have some photos online/website

152- yeah, I'm on the same page with you. My exact thought was "Holy shit, two terabytes!?"

Psych101 9

152- A terabyte is actually 1024 gigabytes, even more than you said. So yes, that is an insane amount of pictures. To put that in perspective for people who don't know for some reason, the average movie is approximately 1 gigabyte.

crdavis93 7

Photographers not only tend to take pictures of everything, but also take 4 or 5 shots of the same picture so it isn't crazy to think that someone has filled up 2tb of space if they do a lot of big events like weddings or reunions

I'm praying for OP's sake that there weren't wedding photos on that hard drive....

No backup or anything? Prints? Oh man that sucks. Look at it this way. You get to start a whole new portfolio with better experience. Tell yourself you'll take even better pictutes than before. You'll be alright. It'll be great I guarantee it.

astralvagan 20

So, let me ask you a hypothetical question.... If you're in college and have a counselor that helps you along your first couple years, then he tells you that when you first enrolled there was some paperwork done wrong. You'll have to start over and all the work you have done means nothing. What should you do?

You should realize you're ****** and get a better counselor! Damn that would suck!

This is why you have an external hard drive to save these important things onto when you are letting someone unqualified (I'm guessing) mess with your stuff.

Yeah that's a good idea. Sorry that happened OP. nothing you can do except maybe take it to a qualified person to see if anything can be saved. Generally if you sit save anything over top you can retrieve most, if not all. But it's hard work.

How could you not back up 5 years work? O_o ALWAYS back up your important stuff! Your hard drive could have failed you anytime, it is as much your fault as his. Hopefully you will learn from it. When I was writing my thesis, I had it on my hard drive, on a flash drive and would send it to myself by email as well (I know I am a bit paranoid but at least I was sleeping soundly).

LittleGreenPaola 23

I'm afraid that she couldn't even save things on another hard drive. that's why she called a friend to "fix her slow computer". come on people, we are in 2012. formatting a computer should be easy as pie, for everyone.

It just suggests that the computer was running slow. Seriously, you totally deserve this if you think it's entirely his fault. Otherwise it sucks that you're an idiot, so FYL. There's really no reason to not back up five years of work even if it wasn't broken. If you're not backing it up at least once a year, you never wanted it that badly to begin with.

This is why you either don't have imbecile friends or overlook what he is doing

shrdlu 28

fleur -- Thanks for the idea of emailing things to oneself! One can never have too many backups.

Maybe someone else could try an recover it? Maybe not all of it but some, better than nothing though. Try your best and I hope your friend is thinking of ways to make up to you :)

This is why no one ever touches my ******* laptop except for people who know how computers ******* work.

Think you got enough "*******'s" in that sentence?

Technically I guess you could add like 6 more *****: ****; this is ******* why no ******* one ever touches my ******* laptop. Except for ******* people who ******* know how ******* computers ******* work.

You missed one. Well, two. *one ******* ever ******* touches

Sorry but things like that should have really been backed up regularly. You could have an external hard disk to back up to for around £80. You should see how many places I backed up my dissertation to.

Sucks but this is easily a YDI. If the photos were so important you would have been backing them up. You could have easily lost them another way.

exactly my thoughts, the hard drive could have failed all by itself every day, especially after that many years

YDI for slacking. Backups are basic best practices for anyone with a portfolio.

Seriously, if it's important to you, back it up.