By gilbirds - 07/02/2013 00:49 - United States - Marysville
gilbirds tells us more.
OP here! I can't believe this got posted. Moreover, I can't believe I forgot to log in. *facepalm* For those commenting about there being no such thing as an empty Wal-Mart parking lot, it was the rarely-used back lot where virtually no one goes. So it was deserted enough for a rookie's practice.
Top comments
I would like to say it only gets better while driving with parents.. But it doesn't. Better luck next time, OP.
Every time im driving with my mum, she holds her heart and the door hand simultaneously when i step on the gas... parents suck. :P
I am starting to wonder what kind of parents you guys have.. Either that, or I am extremely lucky with mine
My dad often fell asleep! Don't worry op, they'll chill out more as you get better!
am I the only one wondering why this Walmart parking lot was empty??
Maybe it was late at night? What a stupid question.
My Dad used to make me a nervous wreck while driving (even though I only practiced with him after I'd had four two-hour lessons). He'd hiss every time I turned a corner, it was a nightmare. Which is why I started practicing with my brother (who is younger than me, but got his licence at 17 - I didn't bother until after college, when I turned 25, at which point he'd had the licence long enough to teach) and my boyfriend. Way less freak outs.
My mom would hold onto the handle on the roof and the door. I'd purposely floor it to piss her off. My dad didn't give a **** and usually texted. Parents need to be more relaxed or they make us more nervous and put us in a bad "driving state".
15 minutes in the Walmart parking lot didn't save you money on car insurance huh..
Same here, Nowadays i occassionally do some donuts or handbrake turns to look cool. Not too often though or you'll be doubling your mechanic's salary hahaha
No, but you could probably get new parts inside of Wal-Mart. They may be plastic, but I'm sure you'll be fine.
It's not like fixing a car is expensive or anything.
At least Geico will save you 15%.
Good work. Seriously, **** Walmart.
good news is Walmart probably sells parts to fix the car for cheap.
Mine was called Duncan. I miss Duncan.
Mine was called Trevor, I miss Trev
35- You ruined it!!
Mine was called Arthur. I miss Arthur
I had two driving instructor. One was named Mo. I miss Mo. The other was named Patrick. I miss Patrick.
mine was frank... I MISS FRANK.
Mine was crazy new age hippie guy! I miss you crazy new age hippie guy!
Earthbound reference? lol
Grand Thief Auto or Crazy Taxi? ***First known driving lessons for many.
Lol, mine's was Driver 1
My first was Need for Speed II. On PC. That, and Mariokart on the SNES. I still get the urge to swerve whenever I see a banana peel.
Crash team racing on Playstation...

15 minutes in the Walmart parking lot didn't save you money on car insurance huh..
I would like to say it only gets better while driving with parents.. But it doesn't. Better luck next time, OP.