By Noname - 03/02/2009 20:25 - United States

Today, my 4 year old niece asked me why I didn't have a job or wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 739
You deserved it 7 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did YOUR niece ask you why you can't spell "grammar"?

tell her because your going to marry rich!


probably because you're fat, ugly, or both ;)

infaith 5

or the grammar... it's asked not ask

chelsinator 8

Just because you're fat/ugly doesn't mean you are incapable of working. Marriage on the other hand haha, good luck w/ that being jobless!

superson_fml 0

Tell her it's cuz you're not confined by ANYONE

BMC6 0

Ask her why her mom didn't abort her. J/k!! Be frank with her, tell her parent(s) to teach their little runt some manners

lastminuteperm 0

I don't know about the wife, but you probably don't have a job because your grammar sucks.

doggie3 0