By UngratefulBrat - 28/12/2012 07:03 - United States - New York

Today, my 6-year-old nephew opened his Christmas gift. The first words out of his mouth were, "This is cheap." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 663
You deserved it 6 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know what else is cheaper? No gift at all. See how much he likes that.

I'd take it back and say " ok nothing for you then"


Family vacation to Uganda? That would probably knock the rotten out of him.

Take it back from him and tell him that he doesn't get anything then

Your nephew is a spoiled little bitch, you should spank him the old-fashioned way

What the **** is wrong with you? Her kid is ******* spoiled and she should spank that little bitch till he cries.


What a ungrateful piece of shit. Kids these days are so god damn spoiled..when I was 6 in 2000 I got hotwheels, a train set, and hotwheels playsets for Christmas and I was happy...nowadays, kids want iPods iPads cell phones cameras ps3 Xbox 360 (I got the original Xbox ) and all this other expensive crap..they need to learn how to be grateful for wat they get.

OrangeKnife 10

**** him, cheap my ass What a motherfucking ******

I would just nicely talk to him about how that hurt the other ones feelings. If he seems nasty after that. time for the naughty chair or rug/a time out. if he thinks that's funny he can sit there for a longer amount of time if he would like.

oh yeah if they do get the time out.. no toys or electronics during it.