By Kimberly - 25/07/2009 09:55 - United States

Today, my 9 year old niece asked me if I was a virgin. I told her, "Yes, I'm saving myself until marriage". She replied, "That's a load of bullshit, you just can't get a guy!" Sadly, she's right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 428
You deserved it 9 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments


OMG! What is it with disrespectful kids these days? It makes me not want to have kids one day.

letitbe56 0

Why? Just raise your kids to be respectful. When kids are disrespectful, I tend to think it has to do with a lack of discipline on their parents' parts.

seriously tho to be that blunt at 9 .. jeez someone didn't parent the kid right. even at 20 I'd never talk that way to any uncles or aunts ever

That 9 yr old needs a butt woopen. Cause 1) A nine year old should not be asking their aunt such a personal question 2) What up with cussing? Is she raised in the hood or something? Shes freaking 9.

ohreally123 0

there's nothing wrong with waiting anyways

Wow, a 9 year-old? What a mouth (and attitude) on her! Her parents suuuuure are doin' a GREAT job raising her! ;) And I agree with #47. There is nothing wrong with waiting!

I highly doubt it's her parent's fault. Primarily because schools no adays teach sex-ed during fifth grade, and at 9 years old, she'd be in fourth or fifth grade. With that said, virginity isn't really something to worry about. I mean eventually you will, and you probably don't want to lose it to some guy who might just not care about you. So just relax, and don't take your 9 year old seriously. Someday, she's going to be some wild woman, and have a hard time keeping a guy down.

lolololcheese 0

are you saying sex-ed is inappropriate in 5th grade?

Cloudy_fml 0

@ #112 - I didn't get that from NorfolkDude's comment. I read it as him just stating that it happens.

Why didn't you just say, It's none of your damn business because you are 9 years old, and you shouldn't even know what that means?!

When my son was 3 he was obsessed with trucks. But since he was 3 whenever he said truck he said ****. It was so hard not to laugh! Also, my niece who was 3 somehow learned the word bitch and called her mom that when she was mad.

Don't worry about it. it's gonna hurt so why not wait til it's with your husband?

letitbe56 0