By Kimberly - 25/07/2009 09:55 - United States

Today, my 9 year old niece asked me if I was a virgin. I told her, "Yes, I'm saving myself until marriage". She replied, "That's a load of bullshit, you just can't get a guy!" Sadly, she's right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 428
You deserved it 9 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments


AntiChrist7 0

Every girl can get a guy. It's probably not the guy you want, but you girls have the edge on that, compared to us men

fili450r 0

she is talking about her virginity....not a flat tire.....haha, just had to point it out...nice comparison though. =D

id be more upset about the fact that she 9 than you not getting a guy.

Wharfrat 0

Your 9 Y/O niece said THAT! And you feel bad about YOURSELF?? That kids parents are the ones who should be posting on here! Obnoxious lil twat!

jrl585 0

tell you niece that you lost your virgenety from a donkey at a mexicon donkey show lol

dirtylittlewolf 0

You need to slap that little kid and give them a spanking stuff like that should never come out a young person's mouth. If you wish to save yourself for marriage, kudos to you for having a strong will.

ihatestupidppl 0

Umm I'm pretty sure your sister or brother is the one who's life is actually ****** here, considering their 9 year old child is cursing and randomly asking people if they're virgins. Or maybe they deserve it for not raising their kid better...

Dukedj 0

There's no way this is even real. A nine year old wouldn't have that much knowledge of swear words and what virginity even means. Your life is ****** for being a ******* loser and making up things just so people will notice you. Go make some friends.

letitbe56 0

Wow, you don't remember being nine? I certainly knew those things when I was nine; the difference is I knew better than to say them.

jessiana7 0

When I was nine I knew all that stuff. I would never dare to say any of that shit though! When someone says something like that, you better believe the belt is gonna be whipped out.

Kids are always so honest when they are that age...

Wharfrat 0

??? that comment was moronic.. you better go check out some 9 year olds or leave mayberry once and a while. You, sir are and ass.