By malos - 12/08/2010 06:53 - United States

Today, my band got booed off stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 379
You deserved it 47 564

Same thing different taste


just make that one kick ass song and ur good

FYL, because that sucks. But YDI because if you got boo'd off stage, then you can't be very good ...

Don't worry, all the great bands started like that. For example, The Beatles, and Coldplay.

Is your band called Nickelback, by any chance?

Omg I'm soo sorry. That must've sucked

This isn't really the calibre of stuff I'd expect on FML. It's a bit... everyday, to be honest.

Led Zepplins first concert was an initial failure and was met with bad reviews. In October 1968 they took the name Led Zeppelin, which stemmed from a humorous conversation among several musicians about their chances of going down like a lead balloon. So just remember it isn't the last concert.