By malos - 12/08/2010 06:53 - United States

Today, my band got booed off stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 379
You deserved it 47 564

Same thing different taste


violetsweety 26

im sorry but this just made me laugh so hard !! not because you got booed off the stage but because i was reading all the other recent fmls and they were about getting locked out thier house when the keys were in thier pocket or listening tew parents having sex ... then BOOM random fml lmao made me laugh FYL for that one day

get over it and keep playing. that's how it's done.

Oh, I'm sorry. Do you play for Nickelback?

You didn't deserve it, unless you were trying to sound bad. But think of it as a character-building experience. Anyway, most of the boo-ers probably don't have the courage to go on stage and perform.

It's the peoples way of showing u that music isn't ur thing