By hellolaina - 22/07/2016 07:43 - United States - Blacklick
I agree, your life sucks
12 243
You deserved it
1 564
hellolaina tells us more.
OP here. This happened a few years ago. She's like 28 and has loose wires in her brain. I ended up quitting that job. Not because of her. I haven't seen her since.
Top comments
you hot AF that's why she wants it
So, it wasn't today.
I hope she doesn't work in surgery. You can smell burnt human skin when they cut certain parts open (I studied nursing and had to help in the operation theatre)
The Top
I agree, your life sucks
37 608
You deserved it
6 923
I agree, your life sucks
50 879
You deserved it
5 546
The Top
I agree, your life sucks
You deserved it
I agree, your life sucks
33 148
You deserved it
26 212
I agree, your life sucks
1 022
You deserved it
I agree, your life sucks
You deserved it
I agree, your life sucks
You deserved it
2 720
I agree, your life sucks
You deserved it
1 164
Seared human is the best. I'll bet you pair well with a glass of red wine too.
It's because you're so hot, OP. You're already sizzling. She just wants to *hear* it.