By hellolaina - 22/07/2016 07:43 - United States - Blacklick

Today, my batshit crazy coworker told me that she wants to hear my skin sizzle. I'm afraid to go to work now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 243
You deserved it 1 564

hellolaina tells us more.

OP here. This happened a few years ago. She's like 28 and has loose wires in her brain. I ended up quitting that job. Not because of her. I haven't seen her since.

Top comments

Seared human is the best. I'll bet you pair well with a glass of red wine too.

It's because you're so hot, OP. You're already sizzling. She just wants to *hear* it.


I hope she doesn't work in surgery. You can smell burnt human skin when they cut certain parts open (I studied nursing and had to help in the operation theatre)