By Username - 23/01/2011 18:44 - United States

Today, my best friend came over for dinner and a movie. Moments after arriving, she spent an hour on the phone, and ended up accepting another invitation before leaving. I guess it's dinner for one tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 262
You deserved it 2 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nice friend you have... I hope you're reconsidering your friendship if she's that inconsiderate, darling.


good grief so many people not understanding true value in friends; true understanding of what love really is: we all need to work on that more really cause this is really messed up

anon15_fml 0

Great "best" friend you have there

accept your invite to your foot to her ass

JustJaredfied 0

while she not tht good a friend now is she

kay729 7

some best friend you've got

I had a friend like that who always put men before us. including to blow off my wedding shower and she was a bridesmaid. shes not my friend anymore

HannahPaloozah 0