By Username - 23/01/2011 18:44 - United States

Today, my best friend came over for dinner and a movie. Moments after arriving, she spent an hour on the phone, and ended up accepting another invitation before leaving. I guess it's dinner for one tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 262
You deserved it 2 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nice friend you have... I hope you're reconsidering your friendship if she's that inconsiderate, darling.


if my bestfriend ever did that to me, id take the food with me to school or their house the next day, and fling it all over them. Just sayin'...

Mmmmmmaybe she wanted to get banged by some dude instead of having dinner with you?

something similar happend to me earlier today...... we have no lives

A friend of mine did something like this, she decided to go out with her boyfriend instead. The worst part was I was at her house with no way to get home

Why didn't you try to say something when she was on the phone. if my 'friend' tried to leave , I'd tell her happily ' to get the **** out of my house and don't plan on ever ******* coming back'. what type of B.S. friend leaves you stranded???

Congratulations on being the worst host ever. Bring out some chips dip and a movie or something, preferably after the 1940's?

DakotaCat 4

It's days like these I'm glad parties at my house are awesome with music, food and a pool. Maybe you should invite more people so if one person can't make it atleast you aren't alone.