By Anonymous - 27/03/2012 04:27 - United States - Panama City

Today, my best friend stopped by my house, borrowed a movie, and left. That was the extent of our communication for the day. Today is my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 189
You deserved it 2 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

desireev 17

Gotta love them besties! That does suck though, OP! FYL, for sure! Birthday wishes from Miss Desiree! :)

38- and yet you just typed 3 i's in that reply.


EvilDave 13

OP, sounds like you need better friends.

Real friends don't really care. It's the trutg

This is when you realize your friend sucks

On my birthday, my best friend decided it was an appropriate time to end our friendship

Bella0777 4

Wow, same thing happened to me... it was so shitty, and on my 40th birthday, too. Sorry that happened to you, but I'm kind of relieved I'm not the only one. And happy belated birthday, OP!

CeltyStark 3

Sometimes people forget important dates. Did u give them any reminders? I hate people who take birthdays so seriously. The world doesn't revolve around you! If you wanted your best friend to care u should have reminded them! U deserved it ungrateful OP

fatcow282 8

Assuming he was aware of your birthday y did you loan him the movie?