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By Anonymous - 30/04/2011 19:03 - United States

Today, my bladder decided to empty itself while I was on a rollercoaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 278
You deserved it 10 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bengermin 5

And that's why I ALWAYS wear diapers.

You went WEEEEE on da rollercoaster :P


bravesfan112233 0

the people below watching probably weren't expecting showers

littlemissFYL 5

and the little piggy went wee wee wee all the way ..down

why does everyone on here rephrase simple sentences so they sound more like a dumbass?? you peed your pants OP. Peed your pants. not your bladders fault, your fault. ydi for pissing yourself.

spartanfan68 0

27 your pic is the shit lmao

ImaWiseGuy 5

ever heard of tha pinch off??

rafsta 0

the ride scared the shit out of you.Well in this case piss

l bet you enjoyed the after pictures

I think your bladder emptied itself BECAUSE you were on a rollercoaster

that mustve been a shitty situation for you and person next to you

inb4 realizing it was a golden shower on his pants. -facepalm-

catrav77 0

Haha, it literally scared the shit out of 'em

jane79 0

it's more scared the piss out of them lol

More like scared pee-less. The FML says bladder, not bowels.

lol. op is so full of shit its migrated to his bladder and now he ***** with his penis. Yet another example of how lying is bad(:

I wasn't calling the FML fake, if that's why I was moderated...

brokemysoul 0

I agree huh???? ^^^ what Did that mean?

It made sense to me, I guess i just fail (: and thanks Sirin, I don't mean to cause any trouble, m'dear :D

spartanfan68 0

why is every body in such a pissy mood

spartanfan68 0

what the **** is up with your. pick

ripjohnlennon 5

47, it made sense to me to bro. ur not alone

iLikeBoyes22 0

thts exactly what I was gon say

JocelynKaulitz 28

This is why you should always go before getting on a roller coaster.

TwatRot69 0

Why? I love when people don't go pee before getting on the Roller Coaster, especially when I'm the lucky one to get the golden shower. ;)

thesunsetglow_fml 8

I wittnessed a kid shit himself at Disneyland.

strizz18 0

I witnessed a kid cum himself at disneyland

My sister shat herself in Disneyland

pardon my ignorance but is shat a typo or is it a real word?

Mr_Darkside 5

that's lovely... bet the people waiting in line at the bottom had a worse day...

catrav77 0

"Today, I was at a theme park when all the sudden some guy peed on my head! FML."

Mr_Darkside 5

more like it started to rain yellow

today I sat in a puddle of piss on a roller coaster FML

kinga08 0

54, when I was in Universal Studios in Florida, I actually checked all the seats on the roller coasters before I sat on them for that very reason. Someone got on The Hulk a row in front of me and sat in something warm and wet. Yuckkkkk....

bengermin 5

And that's why I ALWAYS wear diapers.

Omg me too! I mean who wouldn't?? Lmfao.

tsim_fml 0

I wouldn't but its normal to wear diapers.

bengermin 5

Oh, not just at amusement parks, I meant in general.

jane79 0

ydi it for going to the bathroom before you got on the ride, and I feel sorry for who ever road with cause I'm sure they got some piss on them I just hope it did not do any loops cause it could of got in someones face eww

You might consider paying closer attention in English class. Sheesh.

Predental 5
oemgeezz 0

ydi 'for' going to the bathroom?

oemgeezz 0

ydi 'for' going to the bathroom?

guestxxx 0

113, reread the comment. It says "YDI 'it' for".

uncbballwins 0

116 I'm going to steal your cat k?

missy_lynn012 0

number 7 ydi it for talking ish and having multiple typos. i did ydi it on purpose btw.

its nice to see people with differences teaming up to crap on someone that lacks proper grammar skills.

drethereason 0

can you understand the words coming out of my mouth

jdeshnerx3 0

ydi for not going to the bathroom before you got on the ride. and I feel sorry for whoever rode with you because I'm sure they got some piss on them. I just hope it did not do any loops because it could have gotten on someone face, eew.

rookie mistake, always go to the bathroom before u go on a rollarcostar

#10 not everyone can be the perfect person that you are, use ur super eating powers to belittle the OP, then kick his/her ass becuz u r superbad