By Anonymous - 05/01/2012 03:07 - United States

Today, my biology teacher assigned us partners for a project. I got paired up with one of the smartest kids in the class. When he found out I was his partner, he cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 291
You deserved it 8 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Atleast he wasn't trying to throw paper down your shirt.. J.s.

ExplicitZombie 0

I guess you could call this.. a 'cry'sis :D .... :[


CataracsFan 10

Wow, then eff his life if you suck that much!

Maybe op is the hottest chick in school and the geek wants to jump her bones!

I'd cry to if I was paired up with a gorilla

He wasn't crying, he was preparing to demonstrate osmosis!

RoseTintMyWorld 8

You have one of two options. Sabotage the project to get revenge for your hurt pride, or Defend your honor and show him up.

Mackenzie99 6

Okay, crying was extreme, but I feel his pain, group projects are worse than anything. If you're paired with someone who doesn't work, than you have to do all the work. If you're paired with someone who DOES work, it's still not in the vision you want it to be, or you can't work in a way that comfortable, and then there's scheduling conflicts and it's just a hot mess

Reminds me of the classic gym class last pick. I suggest asking for a third person to create that buffer zone.

wonder19 9

Look on the bright side, you know he's sentimental....FML