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Sad sad sad

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff

Today, I caught two kids passing notes to each other in my class, so I told them to see me afterwards. When one of the kids eventually came up, I noticed he was crying. He looked up at me and sobbed out, "I was trying to make my first friend!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 437
You deserved it 8 085

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ManBearPig44 11

Ah, it's not your fault OP, there's no way you could've known.

NopaDo 17

Didn't realize you had Casper the friendly ghost in schools, but honestly I feel bad for the kid :c


ManBearPig44 11

Ah, it's not your fault OP, there's no way you could've known.

mds9986 24

The kid could have been putting up an act to not get in trouble.

I'd be willing to bet money that's exactly what it was

If they are your students (meaning that you're not a substitute teacher), I would think that a teacher might notice if a kid is having trouble making friends.

Teachers, unfortunately, don't usually give a shit.

lat187 18

Today was my student's first day back. Don't yet know who doesn't have friends

Good point, 58. Hadn't thought about that.

I disagree #1 as a teacher part of the job is to notice who is having trouble making friends, who is being bullied, who is bullying, ect.

BlockOfRedStone 25

Plot Twist: These are High School kids.

High schoolers don't pass notes anymore; they have phones.

NopaDo 17

Didn't realize you had Casper the friendly ghost in schools, but honestly I feel bad for the kid :c

You didn't know :( I'm sure they'll reconnect eventually

Who's to say they cannot be friends after the fact?

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Because they wouldn't have passed noted otherwise? Were you homeschooled by chance?

#48, no I wasn't, I was in the middle of class, and the teacher told us to put our phones away, and I was rushing to type this. My bad.

The irony of getting in trouble for being on your phone in class while commenting on a post about kids getting in trouble for passing notes in class...

If the kids can write notes, it's obviously not their first year in school. So yes, they should know very well that passing notes isn't allowed in class.

Don't be too hard on yourself OP, some of my oldest friends were made by getting into trouble during highschool =)

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**** off. He didn't know. And basic rule is NOT to pass notes in class.

Holding every student in a class to the same standard of not creating distractions and focusing on class work is kind of an essential role a teacher has. If they don't because a student might be "making a friend" then the class turns into a social hour and no one learns anything. Most schools have downtime for the purpose of students interacting, which hopefully the student will learn how to utilize. Part of fitting in and making friends includes behaving yourself and not passing notes or chatting when you should be working. If this upsets the student then they probobly just should step out for a few minutes to see if they can calm down or if they need to have a parent called to pick them up.

grogers311 20

Just explain that making friend is fine but passing notes in class is against the rules.

Yeah, 11, he can make friends on his own time.