By Anonymous - 05/01/2012 03:07 - United States

Today, my biology teacher assigned us partners for a project. I got paired up with one of the smartest kids in the class. When he found out I was his partner, he cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 291
You deserved it 8 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Atleast he wasn't trying to throw paper down your shirt.. J.s.

ExplicitZombie 0

I guess you could call this.. a 'cry'sis :D .... :[


macboxx 0

Dude that sounds like my life. Gotta hate nerds and geeks lol

Just_A_Panda 9

If you were a pretty chick, maybe that's whyfrom joy he was crying . If you were a seriously stupid person then ehh sorry >_>

HonkyMuffinHorse 2

This sounds like it would happen to me...quite sad actually. I'm absolutley hideous at anything science related. Thank god my best friend is in my class!!!

Damn sucks for you, sry. But i feel his pain, i got paired with an F student who wanted to write the paper & it was our final exam. He wrote his version & turns out he didnt read the material, i wrote the whole 10 pages myself & he got an A :'( lets just say i did make his life hell afterwards & made him cry

I know how you feel once in a group a really smart kid was paired up with my friends and he complained about us before we even started to work.

Damion_Laverne 6

I understand why he cried because I hate getting partners for a project cause I will do most of the work, once I tired to let the person do the project all of it and he didn't do nothing. Thank god I did it on my own time with my name soo he got the F not me(: