By Anonymous - 24/05/2011 04:38

Today, my boss ate a small piece of paper off her desk, thinking it was frosting. I have to work for this woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 537
You deserved it 3 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it was one of those Chinese rabbit lollies that you could eat the outside paper of. I had totally forgotten about them until now, thanks for reminding.

And why would frosting just be lying on her desk in the first place?


Trick her into giving you a raise. Having a dumb boss is a good thing!

sxe_beast 11

OMFS, I really feel sorry that you have to work under this lady. She was either high or is extremely stupid. Either way she be in charge of anything. Maybe consider putting in applications for other jobs and hope that you can get hired somewhere else!?

Yeah I bet that's really "frosting" on her desk.

Jeez why are you guys being so hard on her boss? She could have been eating something with frosting earlier. And I'm guessing it was a small piece of paper so it's pretty easy to mistake it for a tiny speck of frosting.

zowieandzander77 1

Does it matter what she thought it was? Regardless that's just nasty to eat left over food stuck on ones desk.

SteelCladAngel 0

agreed lol who knows what other people put/do on their desks

ILoveTabz 0

your boss sounds disgusting and quite dumb.

woah, woah! hold it! a female boss? insane!!

kc1997kc 9

That is so sexist! there are a lot of female bosses. My mom's bosses have all been female and so have half of my dad's. There is no need for such a rude comment.

paper? maybe it just looked like paper and was one of those dissolve-in-your-mouth things. or it was paper. gross.

Morphage 0

Put a blotter of lsd on her desk and see if she eats that.