By Anonymous - 10/02/2012 22:17 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 27/12/2016 18:28 - Israel - Petah Tiqwa
By ugly5402 - 06/01/2010 21:05 - United States
By confusedphotographer - 19/04/2009 18:09 - United States
By boogerbrain - 09/12/2009 21:06 - United States
By ks0300 - 24/02/2010 05:47 - United States
By trackdaddy - 02/05/2017 09:00 - United States - San Diego
By SAM - 05/08/2018 09:00 - United States
By XxHinkaixX - 01/08/2010 02:28 - United States
By Michael - 04/01/2010 08:50 - Australia
By slcbabii23 - 01/10/2009 07:56 - United States
Top comments
Ah, the effects of technology...
Subconsciously, everything is an iPhone.
Or an itouch
31 that sounds like a personal issue
iPaid. R.I.P. Steve Jobs.
IDK about you but I usually pinch to zoom in
iPhone dumbass
Retard ^
I didn't get it either
And thus heralds the downfall of western civilization.
I agree. And then when we r old it will be motion censer holograms and computers will not be in exist any more
It happens to the best of us.
No, it doesnt! If it's happened to you, you're probably not the best.
No, it happens to the dumba... people who spend to much time with technology for there own good.
112, you said there instead of their. Shut up.
112, if you're on FML then you're probably spending too much time with technology, so by that logic, you're one of the "dumba people". Just saying.
I average about 6 hours of videogames a night and have yet to say "lol", "omg" or preform any other tech-related action in real life.... I know this is going to get thumbed down, but I wanted to say these people have no excuse whatsoever.
I was gonna say you suck 6 but then I looked at your username. I am gonna need my life back though, you took it away from me.
Th question isn't of if TheInternet (the user, in case it wasn't obvious) sucks or not. The question is what does TheInternet suck on? And how well does TheInternet suck on said things?
On the iPhone (and other touchscreen phones I guess) you can tap the screen twice to zoom in on photos
Well I still don't get it :/
He/she tapped on a physical printout photo, probably used to using an iPhone
18 - thanks I didn't know that
U learn something new every day
Unless you tried to swipe your finger across the picture to look at the next one, you'll be fine.

Ah, the effects of technology...
Unless you tried to swipe your finger across the picture to look at the next one, you'll be fine.