By darksaber522 - 25/11/2015 21:40 - Canada - Kitchener

Today, my boss fired three of the four other people who were going to work with me on Black Friday in my department. Now it's just me and a new hire. My boss doesn't see a problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 327
You deserved it 1 527

darksaber522 tells us more.

darksaber522 12

OP here. They mouthed off to the manager + frequently missed shifts, so they won't be missed (except tomorrow)

Top comments

Your boss will see the problem if you happen to come down with a quick case of "food poisoning" and can't make it to work. Good luck!

Wizardo 33

Here layeth OP, a brave and unfortunate soul. RIP.


Black Friday in Canada is nowhere nearly in the neighborhood of being as bad as Black Friday in the States. When it's Black Friday in Canada; only a small number of businesses have a sale on of some sort, businesses right next to them would be going on as usual; so there's no massive crowd trying to kill each other trying to get at stuff.

And Canadians saying "excuse me" all the time.

At least your boss thinks you're good enough at your job that he didn't fire you!

welcome to the hunger games. may the forever be in your favor.

I feel like John Oliver should do a show on Black Friday or retail hell

IvyChennyChen 21

They better be paying you triple! You definitely deserve it with what a bitch Black Friday can be.

Important question... Canadian or American Black Friday? Lol I pity you if it's the first, fear for you if it's the latter,

Strange...the same thing happened to my dad. He's Ontarian also. OP, are you my dad??