By mukduk - 16/03/2015 12:26 - United States - Chattanooga
mukduk tells us more.
Hello all, OP here. Just clearing things up. Seems I'm getting a lot of conflicting opinions. Some say "FYL, he's abusive, run away!" while others say "YDI because you should've known him better". Others seem to be in between. Well this might clear things up. My boyfriend is a total neat freak. No, he does not have OCD, he just hates messy things. He also just bought a bunch of new, shiny, modern, don't-defile-it-with-your-filthy-hands furniture recently, so he's being extra annoying about it. I, myself, am not as clean as him. I classify myself as someone who only cleans when it's needed. He cleans every. Single. Time. Before moving in, he said "when you get here, we'll have to discuss some rules" which I agreed to. I had a few rules in mind such as "put down the toilet seat" or "replace the toilet paper when it runs out" (now that I think about it, it was more bathroom rules than anything). When I got there, I thought we'd sit down and talk about it. Apparently that's not what he meant by "discuss". So no, I was not expecting the paper, but considering his cleaning habits, I probably should have. Here's an example of the rules he had: "1) NEVER eat in bed. Seriously. 2) Female products are to be thrown in a trash receptacle outside. 3) Wash the dishes before placing them in the dish washer." Yes, these do seem kind of ridiculous. Which is why I asked if it was just a joke. There were a lot of other rules as well, I think a total of 50 something? After reading them all, I had to sit him down and make a few compromises. The rules are a lot less strict now and I threw a few in there myself. He's actually a great guy, just loves to clean. I guess that's an upside right? Anyways, thanks to those supporting me. And thanks for reading this little novel I wrote. -mukduk (sorry my username has nothing to do with my FML, but it's a reference from the Office, so I think that'll suffice)
Top comments
Lots of couples have rules like this. At least he wants to have a clean house, unlike lots of other men
It's a great start to a controlling relationship. It implies that OP's opinions and desires don't matter about how she lives in her own home.
Is it bad I immediately think of Sheldon? :P
I clicked here (display answers) with the hope I could scroll more than 1/16 of an inch without seeing an unoriginal Sheldon Cooper post. I was clearly wrong.. I don't know what's worse. The lack of originality, or the fact people blatantly don't care 40 other people posted the exact same response.. Yeesh
No it is not because I was thinking the exact same thing! :D
She moved into HIS house so I'd expect her to follow HIS rules. That's how my girlfriend and I did it. If you aren't paying rent you're not gonna sit on your ass all day and eat the contents of my fridge
Why? It could be simple rules that a decent human should follow 72. Don't always think of the worst in people.
You may not know. He may be a total slob and may have these rules as a way so he can sit on his rear when he is home. Plus, as a couple, she may be paying other bills that are not rent. What is on the list is also important to consider. My ex used to have a rule about half the fridge taking up beer for his friends and him. It got to the point I could not even put groceries in the fridge, and he expected me to cook dinner without wasting anything. I left him because his rules were too much for the lifestyle he had.
You shouldn't say that most guys don't want a clean house
#9 grammer nazi fail,
9 Don't be one of those people. In the event you have a disorder, or you can't help but correct others grammar and syntax, then at least make sure yours is impeccable. Capitalize the beginning of sentences. Thank you.
AND he already corrected himself.
#2 sounds ridiculous.
Why is having common rules like that a problem? It will probably lead to less arguments.
Rules are fine. An equal couple should probably establish rules between one another, you know, sit down and plan it out together. One can't just write a list and demand the other follows it.
They can if they pay 100% of the rent.
Even if they pay 100% of the rent, they should still come up with the list cooperatively; the other should just pick up the slack on other expenses. Paying rent doesn't mean that it's a good idea to treat your significant other like a preteen child instead of an equal.
If it's a list about keeping things clean and picking up after yourself, then I kind of understand. I would hate to live with someone that didn't put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher or left the bathroom a mess. If it's other things that are unreasonable then sit down and have a talk about them. Personally, I think it's awesome that he is a tidy guy, there are many men who never pick up after themselves and would expect you to do it. If all else fails, make your own list!
Breakfast made at 640 sharp everyday isn't reasonable ? Right between sponge bath and morning sex. No wonder I live alone.
I think we need you to read us the list op!
Yeah unless the rules are ridiculous it might not be a bad idea to roll with it. At least your bf wants some structure
I didn't know Sheldon Cooper was taking other girlfriends now.
I thought of Sheldon, too!
That or he lends copies of his roommate agreement.
I was scrolling to see if anyone else had posted this before I posted it. Maybe he's a big bang fan???
This is a good thing

Lots of couples have rules like this. At least he wants to have a clean house, unlike lots of other men
Pro: he's not a slob Con: he's sounds overbearing