By dys - 27/01/2010 12:20 - United States
dys_fml tells us more.
OP here. Wasn't really expecting this one to get posted. To everyone who's asked- yes, he's my ex now. I didn't think it would make as much sense if I'd said she slept with my ex-boyfriend. And yes, I did lose my job over this. Said coworker and I were very good friends before all of this, hence the 'no longer speaking to her' part. I didn't simply stand there and get screamed at the entire time. I tried to give my side of the story and explain why I'd stopped talking to my coworker, but my boss just kept interrupting me and yelling, "I don't care!" and telling me I was full of shit. I eventually just left when she outright called me a liar. It was a small, locally owned business- so no union rep to call- and my coworker and I had two very separate jobs that didn't really require any interaction. I still spoke to her when I had to, if it had something to do with work. Apparently, she'd been going to our boss after I left for the day- who knows how often- crying about what a bitch I was and how unfair I was being, and saying that all of it was my fault to begin with. The boss even claimed that my coworker would need therapy because of me, and said that just my presence at the shop was making it impossible for her to do her job. The full story is obviously way too long for a single FML, so you can see why a lot of the details got cut.
Top comments
It sucks your boyfriend cheated on you but leave the drama at home. If your "silent treatment" is affecting productivity then your boss has every right to tell you to snap out of it.
Really? The chick the OP's boyfriend slept with started the drama, not the OP. If she hadn't slept with her boyfriend, the OP wouldn't have ingnored her, and she wouldn't have complained about "getting her feelings hurt." Any way you look at it the OP is not to blame, since it's not professional to complain to a boss because your ego got bruised.
Actually the OP's boyfriend started the drama by being a scumbag and sleeping with his girlfriend's coworker. The coworker's actions (sleeping with a guy in a relationship) in and of themselves did not cause the drama b/c if she had done the exact same thing with a guy who's girlfriend wasn't her coworker then there wouldn't be any workplace drama. If her actions in and of themselves caused the drama then there would be workplace drama in the second example as well b/c her actions were identical. The actions being her sleeping with another woman's significant other.
Did you mentioned your side of the story to your boss/HR person? It sounds as if your coworker has some issues, especially if she knew you and your boyfriend were dating, and then making a deal about her feelings being hurt for what she did to herself. I think the silent treatment was a good idea, given that you aren't neglecting your work duties. I hope you aren't being one sided in this by ignoring her, but keeping your boyfriend. If so, you have no one else to blame but yourself next time this happens.
Well maybe he's just itchin for some extra lovin..
or if you're in jail and she's dead ;) I'd hate to see what you would do to the boyfriend. =X
Sorry, double post.
Wtf. How does she dare complain about her feelings being hurt, SHE SLEPT WITH THE OP'S BOYFRIEND. Seriously, she needs someone to wake her up from her little fantasy in which the whole world is orientated to the place where she stands. Instead of COMPLAINING, she should be lucky she's getting the silent treatment. If she did that to me she'd have a broken jaw or something. Oh and I hope that guy is your ex now. I feel sorry for you having to put up with people like that. Fyl. :/
You mean after you found out your boyfriend was sleeping with her. It DOES take two to tango...
maybe your boss also slept with him...
Why did you stand there and take it for an hour? The minute my boss starts giving me shit about my personal life is the minute I get my union rep on the phone. You better do it now. FYL