By Anonymous - 22/07/2009 08:16 - Australia

Today, my boss sent out an email with the subject line "Urgent". He accidentally left the body of the email blank. I replied to all staff "You're firing blanks Peter". I later heard that his wife once got drunk and told everyone that they couldn't have kids because he has a low sperm count. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 581
You deserved it 11 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bahahaha! I had to read that twice before I got it though... heehee

Wow... Ironic. Pretty hilarious though


and? it doesn't seem like a big deal to me...

For those of us in our 40's or so living in America, we remember that "Peter" was once a popular synonym for "penis", like dick or johnson is now ("dick" was popular then, too.) So, your boss' name added an extra of hilarity to the story!

ihatestupidppl 0

Not necessarily 40s. I'm 20 and when I read the name, I smirked a little lol (P.S. Plexico, just wanted to point out that I usually get a kick out of your comments, they tend to make me laugh =])

LaurenBaby 0

omg i had that same problem today!!!!

kittengrl39 0

well lo, you honestly didnt know. but you probaby look like a jackass now because you said that unknowingly. really though, why couldnt you of said something like "the e-mail is blank" or "you forgot to type the e-mail"? who says "your firing off blanks"?

sounds more like your an "f your bosses life." Although I would lay off the "reply all" button for those kinds of things. You never know who will take a joke the wrong way. And if it doesn't go over well with the intended recipient, it can stay between the two of you, instead of being put on display for everyone to see.

spacebar1 0

this is one of the stupidest FMLs i'v ever read, and i've been on this website a long time.

iluvscc37 0

I don't get that "firing blanks" thing. O_o I agree. This FML is dumb. -_-