By Anonymous - 22/07/2009 08:16 - Australia

Today, my boss sent out an email with the subject line "Urgent". He accidentally left the body of the email blank. I replied to all staff "You're firing blanks Peter". I later heard that his wife once got drunk and told everyone that they couldn't have kids because he has a low sperm count. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 581
You deserved it 11 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bahahaha! I had to read that twice before I got it though... heehee

Wow... Ironic. Pretty hilarious though


triplethreat13 0

i had to read this a couple times and THEN i got it...but if your boss wasn't in that situation, it would be a super clever thing to say!! :)

alexgisforme3 0
dramakat11 0

I just laughed so hard. Oh man, that's too good.

wasabipeas 0

Yeah, this is not an FML. Who cares? You didn't know.

tatertot8284 0

Well that's not the same as firing blanks, so you're in the clear.

Aha, I liked your response to his blank message. FYL, there's no way you could have known, I'm sorry you were put in such an awkward situation! Hopefully your boss didn't take it the wrong way.