By bdayloser - 07/11/2009 05:24 - Canada

Today, I celebrated my 18th birthday. Alone. My only birthday wish came from the police officer who gave me a ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 664
You deserved it 3 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks that you were alone, but what was the ticket for? I mean, we can't know for sure whether this is a FYL or YDI because we don't know the details. Happy Birthday, now you have more than one.

kmart72 0

happy birthday! :) don't feel bad, my 18th birthday sucked too. sorry about that ticket though.


Sucks that you were alone, but what was the ticket for? I mean, we can't know for sure whether this is a FYL or YDI because we don't know the details. Happy Birthday, now you have more than one.

today's my 18th birthday too, and i'm sitting here alone. don't feel bad :) happy birthday!

adunolajr 3

wow! everyone didn't comment on the first comment. lol!

I think it would be an fml alone on his 18th birthday. Nobody should be alone, but the ticket does make it worse.

thats a shame, don't you have any family?

marshmallowmouse 0
kmart72 0

happy birthday! :) don't feel bad, my 18th birthday sucked too. sorry about that ticket though.

Flutist 3

I don't know why but I can't bring myself to care. You should have made plans. And if not, then work harder at making REAL friends.

Happy Birthday! Wait, this incident happened during the day or at night? Because who knows, maybe your family & friends decided to surprise you later on? You have 24 hours, man. Go out and have fun!

it's my sisters 18th today too happy birthday =]

there's no such things called real friends. btw, happy birthday! be strong!

Antivirus_fml 0

Say Happy Birthday to your sister from me. :)