By Anon - 27/02/2010 16:07 - United States

Today, my boss told me that if I didn't become his neighbor on Farmville I wouldn't have a job. I laughed. He didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 711
You deserved it 2 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ballistic 2

well did u become his neighbor?

KurouTenshi 0

just another example of how facebook ruins lives...


Brooke84 0

Farmville is taking over the worrrlllddd muahahaha

wtsnap, crazyy. maybe he wnts you o2 to be close for anyy typee of "work" he needs.

tokintot07 0

hahah, I hate facebook and farmville but I know people just like that and it is funny.

I'm pretty sure that's f**king illegal. Seriously, sue the asshole.

If he fires you because of that, I'd love to see what he says to your state's unemployment office. People are so freaking stupid.

Become his neighbor on farmville, what ever, it's just a neighbor

OhEmGee5 2

this is kind of cute haha.

if anyone asked me anything about farmville, they would get a furious, crisp **** punch. |the kid|