By Anonymous - 26/03/2016 18:02

Today, my boss tried to fire me for not emailing him a screenshot to prove my email wasn't working. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 027
You deserved it 1 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people are just born with less brain cells than others Op.


email as a software issue or you could not login to webmail either?

That's redundant. You couldn't have texted it to him.

Sounds like your boss needs to fire himself for being so dumb.

"Oh sure let me just make a new email to show you that my current email can't be used to email you back. Now is this new email going to be my working email or do I have to wait for my current email to work again?"

What, its too difficult for people to imagine a world where you have, gasp, more than one email service? OP, if I were your boss, and you responded to my request to email a screenshot of your wail service not working, I would assume that you are a complete idiot unless you are over the age of 60.

missoops 21

Taking a screenshot is easy enough but honestly was there any other way of showing your boss? Sounds like at least one of you was waiting for the slightest opportunity to end your job FYL op.

you're an idiot. you can take a screenshot and email it once the email is working or I dont know maybe just get off your fat ass and go talk to your boss-i hate when working people have no problem solving skills and spend all their potential intelligence playing victim instead of figuring out their problem