By Anonymous - 15/09/2010 15:01 - France

Today, my boss walked down to my office with me to get some paperwork after a very tense, important meeting. He patiently waited while I tried to unlock my office door with my remote for my car. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 562
You deserved it 25 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

You're smart. I'm sure he got a good laugh out of it.

geez.. fml isn't just for life ruining, world ending, universe crashing moments it's for funny, stupid and embarassing situations like these, so we can have a laugh at the stupidity of others :D lighten up..


hd9280 0

were you trying to look upset when you took a picture of yourself or is that how you smile?

hd9280 0

hmm.. Idk. probably trying not to look to lame. lol.

they're not stupid...when you're in a rush you forget sometimes, I've tried to lock my house with car alarm before because i was in a hurry

hd9280 0

cuz ur just as smart as her. lol. 

So was the FML the fact that you had a 'tense' meeting, or that you, like, totally used the wrong key to try to open your office door...OMG! Was it sooo embarrassing? Get some real problems...then get back to me.

geez.. fml isn't just for life ruining, world ending, universe crashing moments it's for funny, stupid and embarassing situations like these, so we can have a laugh at the stupidity of others :D lighten up..

megamandude455 10
imright24 0

Op is an idiot and tried to unlock the office door with something other than a key - twice.

do not use even after really tense meeting boss's dick instead b/f...

You should use that key for what it is meant for in your case; parking your car in the garage with the engine running while you let the carbon monoxide fill your lungs.

what a stupid bitch. she's a stupid bitch. *throws scarf around neck*...