By Anonymous - 15/09/2010 15:01 - France

Today, my boss walked down to my office with me to get some paperwork after a very tense, important meeting. He patiently waited while I tried to unlock my office door with my remote for my car. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 562
You deserved it 25 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

You're smart. I'm sure he got a good laugh out of it.

geez.. fml isn't just for life ruining, world ending, universe crashing moments it's for funny, stupid and embarassing situations like these, so we can have a laugh at the stupidity of others :D lighten up..


Inspired22 11

Oh my gosh, this made me laugh! It is definitely a dumbass moment, but who hasn't had their dumbass moments? That's why we all laugh so much...we've been there...

Next time just kick in the door. You'll look hardcore, and no one will steal your lunch from the office fridge anymore.

45 -- or look infinitely more retarded to the amusement of others...and no one will steal your food from the office fridge. :] |the kid|

Ha! I've tried to open my front door with my car remote before, but I had my arms full of groceries and forgot I had to set them down to use my keys.

i don't see why this has so many YDIs, the OP was just very tired after the meeting

It happened before the meeting. He was getting paperwork for the meeting. Reading comprehension be hard! Let's go shopping!

Then let's go nuts. Grab a cart and charge!

That sucks op...I've had meetings like that...not fun at all

hahaha, so i'm not the only one who pictured that. meanwhile, i can see myself doing the same thing as op did. >< |the kid|

YoYoYo20_21_22 2