By youre dumped shitforbrain - 19/08/2012 16:52 - Sweden - H?lleforsn

Today, my boyfriend again accused me of cheating on him. This time, it was because I delayed replying to his text message so I could feed my pet. Apparently I'm fucking my pet toad now. Jesus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 734
You deserved it 5 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beezerbnt00 4

Pretty sure that's illegal....


Well OP, your bf has a point. Toads tend to turn into prince charming every now and then. But a kiss would suffice OP, please.

katyamaslova 5

Please listen to me. These are the first signs of an abusive relationship. Abusive relationships can go as far as murder. I would know because I had an internship where we talked about abuse and I have a history of abusive relationships in my family. Please listen to me and break up with him.

R4inb0wBrit3 13
mollymayan 3

Paranoid, and insecure? You sure know how to pick em' ;)

Cut your loss, get away before you end up hurt!

he sounds pyscho and probably beats you . you need to leave him . lol .. seriously

u need to leave him .ASAP. did u know any educated woman would not put up with a woman beater nor this. ! only an uneducated woman would stay in an abusive relationship.

JoeParris 1

"Eat of these flies, for they are my body."

dieselguy88 0

Do yourself a favor. Leave his ass there are other men that wont put you through this type of crap. You dont have a relationship if you dont have trust and respect.

ctlnaaia71 8

I thought you were supposed to kiss it...