Loving is the hardest thing you'll ever do

By Anonymous - 17/10/2021 14:00 - Germany - Ebersbach

Today my life revolves around nutrition mixes, feeding times, blankets, tooth problems, and the eternal question of what caused the diarrhea. Infants, right? Well no, actually: Very, very old horses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 742
You deserved it 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Same thing with my 17 year old dog. But it's worth it when you love them...

OP, I’m sorry but it’s a choice you made. Unlike children, animals can be sold, given away, or put down if necessary. You have obviously chosen to take care of your very old horses. If you are unable or unwilling to do so there are other options available to you. So either enjoy your animals and caring for them or find a different option. The only thing that’s not an option is a “way back” machine to make them young again.


Euthanasia. It doesn't mean Chinese children. Don't they have glue factories anymore?

Same thing with my 17 year old dog. But it's worth it when you love them...

pandaandthepitty 12

That just means you're a good person. Animals deserve to spend their last days feeling loved too.

OP, I’m sorry but it’s a choice you made. Unlike children, animals can be sold, given away, or put down if necessary. You have obviously chosen to take care of your very old horses. If you are unable or unwilling to do so there are other options available to you. So either enjoy your animals and caring for them or find a different option. The only thing that’s not an option is a “way back” machine to make them young again.