By thnxbabe - 22/09/2014 02:11

Today, my boyfriend and I celebrated our six-month anniversary. And by that, I mean he brought along his obnoxious best friend, and I paid for everyone's dinner at an expensive restaurant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 668
You deserved it 7 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnOriginalName 19

I'm no expert, but that doesn't sound like much of a celebration to me.

You should have kicked out the non-bf people. Or just left. I wouldn't have bothered to put up with that. That's one really crappy anniversary celebration.


Six months really isn't much of a milestone??? Unless you're 14, that is.

6 months can be a milestone to some people. Way to be an ass and shit on what other people view as romantic.

All the down votes are from 14 year olds that think they know what love is.

squideth 18

Nope, I'm twenty five and I downvoted. I'm just not a miserable elitist asshole who ***** on people's parades or judges people based on what they choose to celebrate.

You deserved it because it's only been 6 months. He's gonna be ****** off if he has to make a big deal twice a year instead of one like the rest of us.

It's an excuse to go out to a fancy restaurant, have a few drinks, celebrate being in each other's company and then go home and have Earth-Shattering Anniversary sex. Nothing wrong with that.

You need an excuse for that? I don't mean to be rude, but are you sure you're with the right man?

tantanpanda 26

don't forget, it's "6 month anniversary" sex

#17, #14 - I don't think you should have a go at OP for celebrating 6 months milestone, since you don't know of any circumstances of OP's life (e.g. whether OP managed to stay in a relationship for so long before, if it is a first relationship OP considered serious etc). However, I do agree that if OP's boyfriend behaved that way once, it's likely to happen again in the future. In my humble opinion, OP should talk to their partner about what happened and decide what to do with it.

No, you don't need an excuse but I'm an "any excuse to celebrate" kind of person. Keeps life interesting.

ninety 25

More than a few people count the number of months in the first year of a relationship and will celebrate at certain increments. It's pretty normal. And he's screwed? He didn't even have to pay, all he had to do from the sounds of it was show up. She's the one that got screwed, she wanted to treat him and celebrate their relationship, but he turned it into a bros' night.

Am I the only one who wonder why women waste their time with assholes like this? Hint: If he does shit like this to you now then he is always going to do shit like this.

#19, he may have done it this time because he didn't understand the significance of the occasion for OP. If you don't communicate with someone that what they did isn't acceptable, they're unlikely to change it, right. But having a conversation about what it meant and why it caused frustration could absolutely break the pattern. Now, if THAT doesn't do it, it's probably time to leave.

Because "assholes" like these are more exciting and inspires the burning passion that pussy white knights like you could never provide.

I always think the same thing. When you date someone you are usually showing your best side and trying to impress them. If he/she treats you like crap during the dating period it's only going to get worse in the marriage stage.

DavidKnows 11

To waiter/waitress: "Separate checks please."

the_boyo_cgw 10

an·ni·ver·sa·ry ˌanəˈvərsərē/ noun noun: anniversary; plural noun: anniversaries the date on which an event took place in a previous year.

For our 1 year anniversary I DD'd my boyfriend at his cousin's birthday party. And I enjoyed it, because it's a relationship, not a jail sentence. Enjoy the time you have together and stand up for yourself. If you don't want to pay then don't. What are you, 14?

kellyem2 20

Was he aware that this was an anniversary celebration? Most guys don't do anything for "anniversaries" that aren't a year, especially once you start to get older.

NiceGuysDoWin 21

Frankly, who cares what the occasion is - whether at is a 6 month "anniversary" or just because it's Friday night and I got a bonus at work. Who in their right mind thinks it's a good idea to bring their friend out with them to a fancy date night out? I've been married for almost 10 years, and we try to get out for a date night about once a month. If I got a babysitter and booked a table at a fancy restaurant and my wife just decided to bring her best friend along on one of our special date nights, I'd be more than a little pissed.

He didn't all of a sudden become that guy so you are just dating a jerk

are you sure your boyfriend was aware this was an important event for you? my boyfriend doesn't even remember our yearly anniversary let alone 6 month anniversary.

I would hope that having to get cleaned up and be properly dressed for an expensive restaurant would at least trigger a "Hey, babe, what's the occasion?" reaction.