By marcranger - 06/12/2013 02:30 - United States - Littleton

Today, my boyfriend and I got into a huge argument while driving home from visiting family. We pulled into a gas station, and I went inside to grab a drink and cool down. When I came back out, both car and boyfriend were nowhere in sight. It was my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 962
You deserved it 5 709

marcranger tells us more.

This actually happened a couple years ago, and to answer everyone's implied questions, yes he is now my ex, yes this incident was the catalyst, yes I called the cops, and yes I got the car back! After standing outside for a few seconds with my jaw flapping in the wind, then realizing my phone was in the car to top everything else off, I went back inside and had the attendant dial the local cops. Since I knew the make, model, license plate, and rough direction where the cockhole was going, it was pretty easy to track down. He did have the audacity to call me and ask (demand, actually) that I bail his ass out, but I laughed and hung up. I ultimately wound up dropping the charges, since his parents are very well-connected in their hometown, and I knew the lawyer they got him would have been able to get him off on probation or something equally pathetic. But mostly I dropped them because the family was wealthy and vindictive enough that I could have seen them suing me (!!!) to get back the cost of the lawyer's fees, and once it was all said and done, I just wanted a clean break. He had some mental health issues (depression, alcoholism, longtime unemployment) going on way before this, and I'd been weighing my options for getting out for a while. At least his real-life GTA5 enactment gave me the chance I needed!

Top comments

How embarrased will he be when you report the car stolen to the police?

Not sure how he expects any good to come out of this.


Idk about you, but I'd report the car stolen and possibly dump him (but the "dump him" is depending on how bad the fight was, what it was about, how far you were from home and whether or not he eventually came back and got you).

having your significant other steal your car isn't considered a 'bad fight' to you?!?!

I think having a felony committed against you is grounds for dumping, no possibly about it. Then again, I might be a little biased. :p

I wish I had more thumbs to give you thumbs up with, OP.

SuperMew 22

I agree. Had a guy finch $300 from my wallet. I ended up being late on my rent and took him to court for the money and cost of fines due to not having the money. He had the nerve to call me after and ask if we were still dating.

This isn't going to end well for him..

Report it stolen... he should know better

Your fault for leaving him with the keys. OTOH it can easily befixed with three words: grand theft auto!

I was thinking the same thing, why would she leave the keys in the car? I always take the keys with me out of habit.

It was a six-hour trip and we switched off driving duties, so he'd been the one driving. I know I should've gotten the keys, but I was so pissed that I just needed to get out of the car and take a breath. Had I reached over to the driver's side for any reason, I would probably have punched him, and then I'd be the one in jail.

damnn ... my senses are telling me his ass is single now

You could call the police and say you just saw someone steal your car, it is your car and no one has any business taking it from you.

Girlie7 11

It's fml,so obviously you should leave him and get a better boyfriend.That's the rule of fmls...

worst boyfriend ever! I can't believe how immature people can be

GayPride_52412 11

This is the reason I am into girls and not guys.

Yes, all guys are like that, and yes, homosexuality is a choice.

If guys being assholes is the reason you are gay then I question it. There are no situational gays, only hurt pretenders.

Don't worry; he just forgot that he had to pick up his ex and drive her to her friend's wedding a few cities away. He'll be back.

At least I wasn't six months pregnant and it wasn't raining? Oh wait, it was snowing instead!