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By klee - 08/02/2009 05:21 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I were cuddling in bed. After looking at me for a while he said, "you look better when I'm not wearing my contacts". FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 320
You deserved it 2 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone else has already said it, but I wanted to chime in, too--if he's nearsighted, it was a compliment.

LOL---I overlooked that visual minority!


Everyone else has already said it, but I wanted to chime in, too--if he's nearsighted, it was a compliment.

LOL---I overlooked that visual minority!

grritsshay 18

Very good point that I didn't even think of haha

DUMP THAT ASSHOLE ...or else it's gonna be really shitty down the road. (Unless he was honestly kidding.. but half the time when people are joking they're actually serious)

I'm thinking he was going for "even better" without my contacts in...that would've been nice. But I agree with others, i'm nearsighted and when I take off my glasses when I'm close to a girl, they always look prettier. Also, it comes with good line. I tell them "Sometimes, you're all I can see clearly", because I'm so nearsighted that that is actually the truth. They are, up close, as far as I can see clearly.

you got to lovethe littlenothings men wisper in bedonce you aredating and they know they will get some :)

laya_fml 26

You're a blurried eye beauty!

Don't stay with a guy like that, he doesn't deserve it.

It's alright, OP. He was probably just trying to be cute, and it came out wrong somewhere along the line. Or, he could be a total prick, and you've dumped him by now :P