By tjcl - 28/11/2009 06:32 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were gazing into each others' eyes in the moonlight after not having seen each other for a week. I thought he was going to say "I love you" and pull me in for a kiss. Instead, he said, "Since you can’t drive, we should get one of those two seater bicycles." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 305
You deserved it 9 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fakkumairaifu 14

What's the problem? That's still totally adorable. FYL for not appreciating a boyfriend who says such cute things.

heart604 0

movies have killed romance for you


Are you serious? I think that's one of the most adorable things he could have brought up! What a cutie!

You didn't see him for a week? Oh how terrible. The longest I've gone without seeing my boyfriend is 9 months, and I'm certainly not the only one battling with long distance. Besides, actions speak louder than words. What he suggested was really sweet and fun.

Why were you gazing into his eyes, & not sucking his ****??

I think thats the cutest thing ever..I would have laughed and enjoyed that..def. not a FML.

wth thats awesome if a guy did that to me i wouldnt be upset id bloody marry him! but hey im strange like that cos wen my bf sed he loved me i couldnt stop laughing...

*sigh* it's moments like these where I wish we had a BFD button; big ******* deal No no I take that back. What we need here is an WTFAYC button; why the **** are you complaining Your boyfriend is cute and that's very sweet of him to say. Also you wanna complain about not seeing him for a week? Try taking that up with an army wife. I'm sure you'll find a ton of sympathy there

ILoveBlair 0

AHA! Thats what i was going to say! Its cute!