By WalnutGaming - 22/10/2013 19:20 - United States - Silver Spring
WalnutGaming tells us more.
Hey guys. I did end up finding my dog. For those who said get a treat or meat, my dog would be way down the street by that time. My dog had stopped to "say Hi" to my neighbor and her dog. I used this method because my dog was trained to come to me when I lay down, but something made him run instead. In training meat was put on the ground and I was put on the ground and my dog chose me first over the meat. He is a good dog really, this is his first actual stunt hes pulled. Anyway, just thought it'd be nice to fill you guys in.
Top comments
Not so mans best friend huh
well, actually, dogs can smell real fear/pain. so most likely he could tell you were fine and thought you were just being a weirdo human like always
I wish I could smell fear and pain. Then I could look my enemies in their eyes before I blow Them up...with kindness and affection
Are you sure your dog isn't a bitch? Get it? Okay :( Hope he came back! It took us awhile to train our dog not to run.
Same with mine! And she always hops off the sidewalk and runs in the middle of the road.
Woooof woooof woof woof
So you're the boy who cried wolfhound?
4- That's what you cry out when you're hurt?
Yes. I yell "wolfhound" when I'm injured. It used to work quite well, but I've been ignored the last few times I've been hurt. I should probably scream "sheeeeeeep!" from now on. I might get better results.
i like to yell "jiminy crickets" if they arent helping me at least theyre having fun laughing at me
This trick doesnt work on my dog either, OP. Hope you eventually caught your dog.
My grandpa had a dog like Lassie, so he pretended like he was really hurt, and his dog just stood there looking at him funny.
Free willy! He's free!
A lot of soccer player use the "pretend you're hurt" trick as well :P but seriously, I hope you found your dog :)
I think the "wave around some meat at him trick" would have worked better.
Waving some meat around might work better...I am immediately sorry.

Not so mans best friend huh
Are you sure your dog isn't a bitch? Get it? Okay :( Hope he came back! It took us awhile to train our dog not to run.