By Whoops - 28/01/2010 20:21 - France

Today, my boyfriend and I were having a make-out session in the backseat of his car, when we heard a voice coming from his pants. Who did he pocket dial? My house. At midnight, when I was supposed to be home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 466
You deserved it 36 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

killabee 0

A voice coming from his pants? "OMG! That thing talks?!?! ...oh it's just my dad."

BadPinkKitty07 0

amazing... simply amazing. imma say YDI.


its a sign that flip phones was born for that reason

omg, that soubd so wrong, "we heard a vouce coming from his pants" does his penis talk by any chance?

Get a phone with a capacitive touch screen.

SLiPKNoT57 0

haha this happened to me once except my girlfriend was having an ****** and we pocket dialed her house... her dad picked up

KaylieBieber13 0

omg this made me laugh out loud "there was a voice coming from his pants......" was his penis talkingg???

Well ya kind of deserved that, karma's a biotch.