By taiannalynn5 - 02/03/2011 23:43

Today, my boyfriend and I were play-wrestling on the bed, when he started to tickle me. I tried to pull away but he pushed me back down. I ended up hitting my eye on the corner of the nightstand. His comment was "this is why you shouldn't struggle." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 021
You deserved it 7 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whenever my ex used to try and tickle me i'd dig my nails into an exposed piece of flesh until he stopped.


FatMan23 10
Emokidabbey 0

I choked the last guy who tickled me and wouldn't stop. I didn't mean to, but he was pissed.

Haha sounds exactly like what my husband would say!!

kickkinit 2

When i was dating this guy, he would always do shit like this. I always just pulled on his leg hair. Gets them to stop immediately!

528Alice491 3

My boyfriend says the same crap. Okay, I'll just let you torture me. Sorry for the injury, a nightstand to the eye sounds painful.

WickedFan 12

That's when you beat the ever living shit out of him

Yeah, I've heard that one. My other "favorite" is when he says, 'This is why you shouldnt be near me.'