By cupnoodles - 28/10/2012 20:14 - United States - Stony Brook

Today, my boyfriend and I were preparing for the arrival of Hurricane Sandy. I tasked him with going out to buy emergency groceries in case we lose power. He returned with dozens of microwave cup noodles. We're going to starve. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 003
You deserved it 3 930

cupnoodles tells us more.

OP here! My boyfriend bought regular cup noodles, but our building uses electricity for hot water. We ended up buying one of those hot plates, which was a good investment! Although his comment was really uncalled for, speaking respectfully to #1, I think that everyone has their own issues to deal with. We use this site for each others entertainment and to tell others general issues we have as people. Similarly to how you MIGHT post about getting stuck at home from, what maybe many New Yorkers consider, a little amount of snow and saying FML, I am doing the same about about a, what you consider, little category 1 storm. I hope your mood turns around because taking it out on someone you don't know over the internet will only cause a lot of psychological damage to you and potentially someone who is not self-actualized or confident. The area we live in is currently in danger of a power outage, but I think we're ready for it! Thank you everyone for all their warm prayers and so much more! :)

Top comments

A hurricane is a hurricane no matter where it is. People have died already. Plus living in a hurricane prone are isn't something to brag about. Shut up.

corruptedlol 2

That famous Southern Hospitality is really showing.


I'm reading through all your comments and thinking "I am SO glad I live in Sydney" - we get practically nothing here. No snow, No hurricanes or tornadoes. My prayers go out to all those who are affected by Hurricane Sandy. And i commend all those who are so prepared and calm in the face of something unknown to them:)

Unless it's an electric stove, then you just lose power and can't just boil water.

If you got access to your car just go to any of the big truckstops like pilot, flying j, love's, travel centers of America, you can by a 12v coffee maker for hot water.

tacos_are_good 8

You can eat uncooked noodle cups it's pretty good, When I make ramen I eat the parts that fall off uncooked it's yummy ^-^

I lived in Louisiana during Katrina, Rita, and Ike. Have your canned goods, a non-electric can opener, lots of water, and meds/first aid kits. A battery operated TV/radio combo would help too. With lots of batteries. Good luck! !

It probably will not be as bad as they are saying

And this is why you use a gas stove, so you can still boil water.

zeekroo 4

The insta cup noodles don't need to be microwaved

bardyakbar 1

There are other sources of heat. Go buy a wal Mart camping propane stove and cool them in a pot

bardyakbar 1

Heating is definitely a better use of a stove as well, lol.