By Anonymous - 27/09/2011 17:30 - United States
katethegreatxx tells us more.
So, I'm the person that submitted this, I made an account to clear up confusion on my story. This wasn't an engagement ring, or a promise ring, just something to say that he loved me. The ring wasn't ridiculously expensive, and I'm grateful for it AND him, no matter what the price is. I wasn't complaining about him, more like ranting about what happened. I thought it was funny, and thought that other people might too. Trust me, I know that I'm very lucky, and fortunate to have a guy like him, even if he didn't take the moment seriously. But, that's what makes him special in my eyes, since he has a sense of humor. :)
Top comments
Hahaha lol
He gave you a gorgeous ring, and you complain anyway? Paging Dr. Killjoy...
Well... Least he gave you a ring that you liked....
Call me immature, but this made me laugh for like five minutes. Anyone seen Lonely Island's "Lethal Objection?" The part where he's putting the key in the ignition? Totally thought of that.
absolutely brillant
Well I find it kinda funny. Immature sure but it isn't worth getting mad at . I mean , he bought you a frigging ring , Be glad it wasn't one from like a vending machine or something. I think you need to chill a little.
He was letting you know what he wanted in exchange for the ring.
So he was fingering you?