By Jeimaiku - 27/09/2011 17:40 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 04/12/2010 05:20 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/12/2018 07:30 - United States - Rockville Centre
By stunned - 15/03/2010 15:27 - United States
Time doesn't always heal
By Anonymous - 03/10/2022 09:30 - Israel - Ramat Gan
Dumbest Ultimatum Ever
By NeverGonnaHappen - 19/05/2019 12:30
By busybuzzybee - 17/08/2011 00:31 - United States
By Ves - 03/02/2009 23:19 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/02/2012 19:26 - United States
By Katsura - 19/07/2016 00:43 - United States - Perrysburg
By Anonymous - 14/05/2014 20:43 - United States - Irmo
Top comments
Steal his stuff and give it to charity. Well you can't stand seeing things that remind you of him.
Your boyfriend is an arse... I agree, you should take something he cherishes very much and give it away
This is probably the only time I would encourage throwing out all his crap and/or burning it. He brought it upon himself.
She works there!!!
OP, did you get your kitty back? If I were you, I'd change all the locks first, then you have all the time in the world to do what you want with his stuff. Although, to keep it legal, I'd probable dump his clothes and shot on the footpath, and then the other stuff you can say was 'shared'.
There are three of them in this FML.
2- That's because the ass stole the show. Everybody is into donkeys nowadays.
Tell him you cant deal with "small" things
Take all of his things to a thrift store, and if he's moving out in 2 days, they should be conveniently placed in boxes.
Ami the only one that would resort to destroying his stuff and him. If anyone ever harmed my cat I'd go apeshit
my dogs would still eat your cat
My horse would trample your dog. I win.
Only to lose against my Rhinoceros.
Only to be crushed by my Dinosaur
Forget taking his things. Pets are more than just objects that in the house. Arrange to have his kidney "donated".
If he can't have a pussy to pet neither can you.
well good thing your not with your ex anymore if hes that cruel
Go to the animal shelter. Explain that your ex said he can'tlive with your cat anymore and you had to choose. Then tell them your ex is moving out tomorrow. They'll probably give you your cat back and won't be able to stop laughing.
They probably won't put it down anyway: not until they've exhausted all attempts to adopt it out. Most shelters won't even display an animal for a day or two (pending medical examinations, temperament testing, etc.). The shelter I used to work at wouldn't display new animals for at least three days after it's surrendered.
So #36, you're basically telling us to get rid of all animals in favor of dogs. See those pissed off cat's and angry cat lovers in the distance speaking angrish? They want to talk to you.
Wow what a dick, You can try to go to the shelter and get her back. Good luck!
That sucks! When I was a kid, I went to school & when I came home, my dog I'd had for years was gone! My Mom never told me the truth but, I know she sent him to the pound! I've always been sad about that!
Same thing happened to me when I went away for a couple weeks. My mother had sent my cat to "live outside" even though she had lived indoors all her life. She even made me put her BACK outside myself when she tried to run back inside. So cruel to my poor cat...she eventually disappeared and to this day I haven't forgiven myself for not standing up to my mother.
Wow... You should ask your mom about it then she'll feel guilty and surprised that you know what happened.
56- Awwww poor cat!!! Hopefully it got rescued by an animal shelter or something cause otherwise I don't think it would have been able to live outside since it wouldn't be used to it... How old were you when your mom did that? I would never forgive her for making me do that.
You could have fed the cat that was outside, it would stay. I have a friend in the army an he said when he was in Iraq there was a cat on the base that would never leave. They took the cat into the middle of the desert and left it there. Two days later it showed up. Cats know their way home,
I was 14 when my dog disappeared, he was a retired show poodle! I had him for 6 or 7 yrs! Every childhood picture I have, has him in it with me! I have asked my Mom, she "doesn't know anything"!

Steal his stuff and give it to charity. Well you can't stand seeing things that remind you of him.
Go to the animal shelter. Explain that your ex said he can'tlive with your cat anymore and you had to choose. Then tell them your ex is moving out tomorrow. They'll probably give you your cat back and won't be able to stop laughing.