By Single - 19/08/2010 05:26 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. He also decided the best way to end our relationship was to kill me and our virtual child on The Sims 3 by setting us on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 467
You deserved it 6 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

felton 0

Maybe he wished you were hotter

Peacemaker9 7


does this remind you of the emminem and rihanna song love the way you lie?

Shashaw_fml 0

Wow, what a loser! When you see him again just shout "Next!" and start talking to anyone else around you.

alxvolleyball7 0

3 are you a guy or a girl? I can't tell

sourgirl101 28

I started laughing when I read this fml cuz once I also set the pple on fire and then plead

f_your_life_09 0

wow ur a douche. it's the sims. really ur going to get all bent out of shape because of it? this isn't even an fml.

coffee_enima 0

op, you should virtually rape him

ayychihuahua 0

this mad me laugh so frickin hard!! ur bfs a total winner ;) fyl!