By Anonymous - 01/05/2011 05:36 - Reserved

Today, my boyfriend called me as I was getting ready for bed and asked me to pick him up from the bar. Being a loving girlfriend I drive the 45 minutes; when I get there his friend informs me he left about 45 minutes ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 454
You deserved it 5 191

Same thing different taste


lasttoknow 4

i dont think so sence he made her drive all that way and not be there

He was either callin you while drinking cause he missed you but he said something about picking him up from the bar cause he is drunk,,, or he is just a douche thats doing a prank to you.

what a jerk I hope you told him where to go!

Most likely he's wasted. In which case, 30 seconds after the call he probably forgot that he had called her.

djewel6 0

hmm wonder who the chick was that did take him home with her.

there is unfortunately an 80% chance that he is cheating on you. I'm sorry