By Kiki - 08/03/2013 21:22 - Poland - Myslenice

Today, my boyfriend came over and dropped off my phone, which I'd left at his place the night before. He immediately left in a sulk. As I looked through my texts, I discovered he was only so moody because I hadn't answered any of his calls or messages. I'm dating an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 195
You deserved it 5 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How didn't he realize that he had your phone?

crap1crap2crap3 7

Hey now, men go through hormonal changes too.


Thr33to16 8're kidding me right? Break up time!

maybe you should have called him a few times with a house phone.. some guys can get a little sensitive and lonely even if theyre with someone..

Reminds me of that time when I texted my friend to let him know I had his phone. Felt pretty stupid.

The smartphone can't help if its user is dumb.

At least you got one who really care about you

perdix 29

Back in the day, we'd make Polish jokes, but they became politically incorrect. Your boyfriend may revive them single-handedly!

Oh, they're Polaks... That explains it.

GoodLookingGeese 10

And you are a dumb cannon fodder.