By Kiki - 08/03/2013 21:22 - Poland - Myslenice

Today, my boyfriend came over and dropped off my phone, which I'd left at his place the night before. He immediately left in a sulk. As I looked through my texts, I discovered he was only so moody because I hadn't answered any of his calls or messages. I'm dating an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 195
You deserved it 5 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How didn't he realize that he had your phone?

crap1crap2crap3 7

Hey now, men go through hormonal changes too.


At least he didn't go through your phone.

Couldn't you have just asked him what was wrong? That could have been better than waiting and looking through your phone afterward and making assumptions about what was bothering him.

Yeah, I was thinking something similar. Except that I thought maybe there was something on the phone that might have made him feel ill at ease, or perhaps that they had lost it at all.

sofitina 20

You should probably explain this to him carefully and hold off mating.

Men are all idiots. Wait... im a man. Damn.

BellaBelle_fml 23

It was irrelevant, yes. But they were merely trying to be funny by referencing another recent FML.

Wonder if it was ringing right next to him while he was calling multiple times. Did he block it out or something?

TheVoicesTalk 3

Haha, says something me! I had to read the FML three times before I got it.

BellaBelle_fml 23

I had to read your comment three times before I got it.

I read it 6 times and I still don't get it...

Obey_StudBoii 23

Lol how can he be so ignorant as to be mad because you weren't answering any of your texts, and he knew from the start you left your phone at his place the night before? Time to start looking for someone who isn't as dumb as a box of rocks.