By clementine-f - 10/02/2009 07:11 - Belgium
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Any proposal is better than nothing I'd say. My boyfriend and I have been together two and a half years and he won't even talk about it
You've only been together two and a half years and you're already pestering for marriage? F your boyfriend's life
Two and a half years is a long time, as far as dating goes...I guess to each their own, but if you really think that's weird, I have to wonder how long you would wait. Ten?
Scientifically speaking, we don't form deeper true bonds, what we might call love, until between five and seven years. Which is why couples tend to fight more and, statistically speaking, break up more often around that time. If you love someone, time shouldn't really matter. And it's better to be sure about such things, seeing as you're binding your lives together. I'd rather be dating a person for several years and then find out we didn't really click and just break up, than get married quickly and deal with a divorce. Though to be fair, I watched my folks go through a drawn out and nasty divorce after a short courtship(six months, then married)
keep him
marrry him he's amazing
I guess he gave you two reasons to cover your nose with both hands.
That's the kind of relationship I want

To which you respond, "that's funny, I can see your bald patch from here, but sure"
awwwwwwww he's a keeper